Monday, January 23, 2012

My Weight Loss Determination

Hey guys...

So it has occurred to me that I have been spending too many hours sitting in front of the computer and not nearly enough time working out. I have so many important events this year that I want to look my best for: 
  1. My Wedding!
  2. My College Graduation!
  3. Kendra's Wedding!
  4. My Honeymoon!
  5. Summertime in general!
So instead of whining about it and eating a whole tube of Pringles, I decided I am going to do something about it! It's no secret that I have never really been skinny. I don't think it is in my DNA, but I have been using that as an excuse for way too long now. I think somewhere in my delusional mind I am still this girl:

The one who plays softball and works out several times a week...aka the girl I was in high school. I think i was holding onto a dream. Well, it was obviously a dream because I don't look like that anymore. And somehow if I refused to look at every picture of myself on Facebook where I have a double chin or a muffin top, then those pictures don't really exist and I don't really look like that. 

But the truth is, I do. And I am over it! I want look like a tanned, toned senior in high school. I mean, I know my skin will never look that amazing again (lol!) but I can get that body back! It's not impossible.

So, here I am. Putting my heart and deepest insecurities out there for you guys to read because apparently that is the type of person I have become. Wanting to share all my moments with you guys because, well, it makes me accountable and it gives me purpose. I still am in shock at the fact I have over 1000 views on here. I never thought any of you would care enough about me or my wedding. Maybe you don't and you guys all really like Payton the best! lol!

But in my mind I have always wanted to be the type of person who gets up in the morning before noon, who works out (and actually finish the workout!) and then makes a smoothie! The type of person that drinks that smoothie before 8:30am, gets in the shower and then does her make up and her hair! (instead of just going everywhere with wet hair like I do now). The type of person who remembers to brush her teeth twice a day (instead of just once), and the girl who always has a cute outfit on. I want to be the type of person who likes vegetables and who always has a clean house all the time; who actually thinks jeans are comfortable instead of trying to get away with wearing sweatpants everywhere. I want to be the person who can actually wear knee high boots because I don't have fat calves. I want to be a success story.

I want someone to be jealous of me for a change.

As shallow as all those reasons are, I am seeing them as motivation. How amazing would it be to look back 9 months from now on the day of my wedding and to say I have accomplished all of those things and then some? I think there would be an immense sense of pride and accomplishment to be felt. By me. For a change. 

So, Carly, you ask, you are talking a pretty big game here, how do plan on accomplishing all your shallow goals?

Well, you see, I joined WeightWatchers Online today. Tonight, actually. And I am super excited about it! I have done WW before when I was in middle school and running track. I lost a pretty good amount of weight, although I don't remember how much. I do remember how awesome it felt to actually be able to put my hands around my waist though, and that memory is enough to spark my interest in it again. 

I haven't decided what workouts I am going to do yet. But Payton said he is on board to be the official "Carly Support System". So there won't be any slacking off! 

I bought an bunch of groceries tonight that are not healthy at all (hey, it was before I joined WW lol!), but hopefully I can work in some fresh fruit and veggies to eat all of the other stuff in moderation and stay under my daily point allowance. 

So if any of you out there are looking for a beginner status, sweaty, slightly unattractive workout partner who comes clad in black Wal-mart leggings, Hanes t-shirts, and mismatched socks; I am right here! You know where to find me!

<3 The Future Thinner Mrs. Baker

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